This is my glossary page which shows all the new words with their definitions related to media.(Learnt during the course).



Anchorage -

Convention -

Genre -

Sub - Genre -

Hybrid - Genre -

Taglines -

Deconstruct -

Representation -

Caricature -

Stereotype -

Realism -

Themes -

Verisimilitude -

Diegetic - Sound -

Non Diegetic Sound -

Mise - en - scene -


Cross Cutting -


Context -



Narrative -


Narrator -


Linear Narrative - 

Non Linear Narrative - 

Symbolism -

Connotation - 

Denotation - 


Where sound or text gives a meaning to a visual image

The thing that make up a genre, things you usually find.

French " type " .

Is a separate category in a genre e.g. Romantic Comedy.

Separate Genre joined e.g. " alien " horror and science fiction.

The tagline is a phrase or slogan used in media for advertising and film.

To unpack or tear apart.

The way in which and an individual or social group is portrayed in the media.

The art of creating such representations.

When we put people into categories ignoring their quality as an individual.

Creating a world we can believe in.

Idea which are explored.

How convincing are the surface details.

World of film, thing that characters can hear.

Sound from outside, voice/ background music

Everything in the scene e.g. props, costumes...


When you tell two or more narratives at the same time.

The range of personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace conditions in which a text is responded to and composed.



Person who tells the story.


Narrative that goes in a straight line.


Narrative that doesn't go in a straight line.

Object that represents ideas.

The idea attached to an object.

What an object is ?