This page shows all the things linked with Media Studies I have learnt in my lessons. 

What Is Media Studies ?

Media Studies is the study of the constitution and history of various media, as well as their effects on history and on the present day.

Media is a channel of communication eg. like a T.V. designed to reach a large number of people.

Media is a material or technical means of artistic expressions.

Types Of Media


About Film Genre

Every film that is made can be categorized by its rules and conventions. These rules and conventions give the film a genre.

For example :

Star wars - ( spaceships, robots, space, laser guns etc) are the conventions.
                                                Genre =  Science Fiction.

E.G. of Genres - Science Fiction, Documentaries, Film Noir, Fantasy, Tragedy, Action etc...

Taglines In Media

The Tagline is a phrase or slogan used in media such as film or advertising.

The idea behind a tagline is to create a unique phrase that will :

- Sumup the overall content of the film.

- Sell the film/ product to an audience.

A tagline should ideally be short, sharp creative and most importantly memorable.

Representation In Media

Representation is the way in which an individual or social group is portrayed in the media.

The media represents the world to us. Newspaper, TV, radio and internet show us not reality but somebody's version of reality.


When we stereotype we assume that a certain characteristic ( usually negative) belongs to a whole group for example " all blondes are unintelligent" .

When we stereotype we put people into catogories, ignoring their qualities as an individual.

Film Posters

Film posters are the one main attraction which helps promote the films, for example this is a poster of Shrek 4, which I have created in photoshop testing some of my abilities in that software. 


Realism In Media

A numbers of factors contribute to an understanding of realism. These factors apply equally to any fictional genre, from a dramatised documentary to the most outlandish science fiction. Our assesment of realism may consequently differ radically from text to text, but the smae questions can always be raised.

Realism can therefore be seen as a combination of :

- The plausibility of story events

 - The believability in characters' motivations ( is this how people or we ourselves behave in similar situation ? ) 

 - The relation of the story to plot. ( is the plot instrusive? Does the plot rely too much on co-incidence or other overt controversies ? )

 - The logic of the story and plot events. ( Does it follow that if x happens y will follow ? )

 - The representation of filmic space (even in the most extreme fantasy or science fictional scenario, can we ' suspend our disbelief ' suffeiciently to accept it is how it would be ? ).

 - The verisimilitude - how convincing are the surface deatils ? ( Does the gud look and fire like the real gun ?


BBC'S Role In Media

A list of " public services " ( which are considered its main aims )

- Promoting education and learning.

- Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence. 

 - Representing UK, its nation, religions and communities.

 - Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK.